Home Improvement

Are You Experiencing Traffic Jams? Noise-Cancelling Windows Will Help To Make Your Home A Peaceful And Quiet Refuge

Noise pollution can be heard at any location, whether you’re near an artery that is busy or your neighbour recently got an adorable puppy that will not stop barking. You might not be able to stop disturbing or annoying noises in your surroundings but you can limit the noise inside by using windows that block out noise.

The windows that look like saviours will not completely block out all sound however they can significantly minimise the amount of noise. The best double glazed windows for residential from Cuin use can stop 95% of sound emanating from the streets. Also the early morning train does not have to be your alarm clock. This is what you should be aware of about noise reduction.


  •         Noise-cancelling (or noiseproofing) windows are able to stop up to 95% the sound
  •         They add weight or space to windows to prevent sound waves from travelling through
  •         Window noise cancelling is priced anywhere from 14 up to 88% more than standard windows.
  •         The most effective noise-cancelling windows come with the STC Rating of either 45 or more

What is an acoustic window? The main purpose of acoustic window glass is to minimise the noise. They can be soundproofed against external noises like main roads, motorway traffic overhead flights, trains rain and animal sounds against the glass. Soundproofing glass installation can be installed inside buildings to serve as windows for internal use or office partitions.

Acoustic glass is made up of two glass panes that are glued together with an acoustic vinyl butyral (PVB) part in the middle. It is similar to laminated glass. The sandwiched layer is the crucial component which absorbs the sound and minimises the frequency of vibrations. Acoustic glass thickness can make an impact on the quality of insulation.


  1.     Sound Reduction

Our soundproofing glass is able to reduce the sound to a reasonable 40dB, which is 14 decibels higher than certain double glazed window installation units are able to achieve. When contrasted with standard glass, Acoustic glass reduces noise by as much as 60 percent. With these great advantages to indoor sound, it allows homeowners to live in a tranquil setting.

  1.     Impact Security & Safety

Acoustic windows provide a higher amount of protection than conventional double-glazed units. Because they are an insulated style of glass, with a PVB interlayer, the window is not likely to break into smaller pieces after an intense impact. It will help hold the broken pieces together and block entry through the window and also decrease the chance of being injured.

  1.     Cut To Size

Acoustic laminate glazing is usually available in stock sizes of various thicknesses. If you require custom dimensions we will organise that laminated glass be cut to the right size to fit the frames you have chosen.

  1.     The Majority Of Window Styles

Acoustic glass can be used in conjunction with various frames and window profiles. No matter if your windows have Georgian bars and decorative insets, or leaded windows We will cut noise-reducing glass into the right size to fit your needs.

  1.     Costly Option

Acoustic windows are more costly than standard windows. This is due to the fact that they require more steps to be manufactured during the process, and require multiple layers of material. They are priced about the same as triple-glazing windows.

  1.     Thermal Properties

It’s not an absolute fact that laminated glass has the same efficiency as double-glazed windows to help keep the warmth inside your home. But, there are windows that are energy efficient because of the way they are built to form an insulating and an acoustic layer.

What Are Noise Cancelling Windows?

Windows that block noise, often referred to as soundproofing or Noise reduction windows do precisely what they sound like: quiet. They can help to reduce (or nearly completely eliminate) outside noise through layers of air and glass.

Within the United States, noise soundproofing windows are evaluated based on the sound transmission class (STC). This determines the extent to which they block the sound. The higher the score is, the more sound windows block.

The typical single-pane window (which does not soundproof) typically will have an STC rating of between 25 and 27. However, an extremely high-end noise cancelling window could be equipped with an STC rating greater than 50.

How Do Noise Cancelling Windows Do The Job?

To comprehend soundproofing it is necessary to get into the technical for a second. As sound waves pass through the air and through different materials certain waves bounce off the surfaces of your windows, while others are absorbed and some are able to pass through.

Soundproofing can block noise by making the path within your home longer and more challenging while also lessening your echo (echo) and echo components of your windows that absorb sound. The most popular strategies are:

  •         Glass that is thickened to increase mass
  •         Incorporating additional panes to increase mass
  •         The process of putting a layer of plastic in between glass (known as laminated glass)

Imagine the window of your home as an ointment allowing sound to pass through before reaching your ears. The more things that are blocking your view the less sound will be able to get through.

Different Types Of Noise Cancelling Windows

According to HomeAdvisor the cost is around $300-$1,500 to soundproof windows. Sometimes, it is necessary to replace the whole window. In other instances, you could simply replace the glass to keep things quiet. A typical window replacement cost is $600 per window.

There are several kinds of noise-cancelling windows you can pick from, based on the type of windows you have as well as your budget and the amount of noise that you must be able to block.

Double Pane Windows

Double glazed glass panel feature two glass panes that are separated by an air layer. Although technically they aren’t soundproof, they can help to block out noise more effectively than a standard single-pane window. They can be made soundproof by combining strategies like thicker glass, laminated glass, or dissimilar glass (more about this later).

Triple Pane Windows

Triple pane (or triple-glazed) windows are similar to double pane windows but with an extra pane of glass which makes it difficult for sound to travel through. Triple-pane replacement windows cost 14-40 to 45 percent more than a double-pane window, however it usually comes with a higher STC rating.

Laminated Glass Windows

Laminated glass, which is used to soundproof music studios, is made of plastic that is placed between two sheets of glass that can cut down the sound levels by 75-75%. It is possible to use this kind of glass for triple or double-glazed windows; however, it can add 15 percent to 80% of the price of the window.

Which Noise-Cancelling Windows Are Right For Me?

Double glazed windows and doors must be equipped with an STC rating of at minimum 45. At this point, you’ll typically not hear the bass tones of conversations. When you select a noise-cancelling window, you must be aware of the type of sound you wish to block.

Lower frequency sounds (like blasting bass from nightclubs or the sound of an aeroplane flying over the air) are the most difficult to block. You’ll require a window with more STC rating.

The higher frequency sounds (like the chirping of birds or car alarms) are more difficult to block using the STC ratings of 45. The rating 65 can be considered complete soundproofing however it isn’t typically required in a home setting. Windows with a mid-50s rating can be able to block 95% or more of the sound.

Andrew Jonathan

Andrew Jonathan is the marketing consultant for C.U.in UK. His extensive business and marketing expertise has positioned him as a user experience specialist and product strategist eager to take on new challenges that provide value to the firm. He is passionate about writing educational posts for various blogging platforms.

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