
Everything You Need to Know About TypeScript

Want to learn more about TypeScript, but don’t know where to start? This article will help you get up to speed quickly on the language that Microsoft created to build JavaScript applications, as well as its history and some of its popular uses today. By the end of this guide, you’ll have all the info you need to make an informed decision about whether or not TypeScript is right for your project!

TypeScript has been the hot topic in web development and programming circles recently, and it’s getting more and more popular by the day. But what exactly is TypeScript? How does it compare to other JavaScript-based languages? And why should you care? Let’s take a closer look at everything you need to know about TypeScript right now!

Introduction to TypeScript

TypeScript is a programming language that was created to address some of the limitations in JavaScript. Developers use TypeScript to write applications with larger, more complex codebases as it helps with error checking and program documentation.

TypeScript features several innovative features not found in JavaScript like interfaces, generics, and classes. TypeScript can be used for many projects, including Android applications and Electron apps for desktop computers.

A Brief History of TypeScript

TypeScript was created by Microsoft and released as an open-source project in 2012. Initially, TypeScript was developed as a language for creating large JavaScript programs with complex object-oriented features like inheritance, generics, and interfaces. However, over time it has been expanded to create a new programming language and development environment that provides capabilities such as static typing.

Why Use TypeScript?

TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft, similar to Java and C++. TypeScript can improve on JavaScript’s shortcomings, namely static typing and strong support for object-oriented features, making it easier for programmers with experience in strongly typed languages like Java or C++ to work with TypeScript. It’s also commonly used in conjunction with Angular and React frameworks.

Many large and small businesses turn to development agencies for help, but many don’t know where to begin when it comes to finding a front end developer. This guide will help you understand what skills a good front end developer should have and how to find one that fits your needs.

There are many reasons that you might want to invest in a strong front end developer. They can increase your website’s speed, improve user experience and aid in search engine optimization. A skilled front end developer can also create high-quality, visually appealing websites and applications.

TypeScript vs JavaScript

TypeScript is an open-source, strictly typed programming language developed by Microsoft. It’s JavaScript with additional features that make it simpler to use and helps developers catch errors sooner in the development process. TypeScript vs JavaScript: It’s important to note that while they are both strict languages, there are differences between them. JavaScript uses prototype chains and functions such as call, apply and bind on an object whereas TypeScript uses composition of class instances.

The Advantages of Typescript

Typescript’s benefits include an easy-to-learn language, a fast compiler and a quick feedback loop. It compiles down to JavaScript, so you don’t have to learn an entirely new language just for your front end code.

Typescript is similar enough that JavaScript programmers can pick it up quickly and its robust features make it well suited for large projects. For example, the type system catches typing errors at compile time instead of waiting until runtime.

The Disadvantages of Typescript

Typescript is not the only option for code creation. With it’s many advantages comes some tradeoffs as well. Typescript is a java script superset, meaning that it needs JavaScript in order to execute. This can cause challenges when trying to distribute code because developers need a JavaScript engine. Or an interpreter that has Typescript capabilities in order for it work properly.

Additionally, Typescript requires additional compilation steps before converting your typescript files into Java Script. And executing them which slows down development time significantly.


This guide should have given you a solid overview of what TypeScript is, where it came from, what it’s used for, and the advantages that are worth considering if you’re a JavaScript developer. I hope you learned something new! If you are hiring front end developers for your business then this is an important consideration. If not, let me know in the comments below what kind of content you would like to see next time.

This is why you should consider adding TypeScript to your developer skill set if you haven’t already. Whether it’s for maintaining an existing codebase or building a new application, there are plenty of reasons to hire front end developers that know their way around TypeScript.
If you’re looking for someplace you can get started with writing your first lines of code. We’ve got a free guide on how to build and deploy your first Dapp.

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Jane Brewer

Technology consultant in leading software development company committed to providing end-to-end IT services in Web, Mobile & Cloud.

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