
How to Prepare for NEET: Subject-wise Tips and Tricks explained 

The National Testing Agency (NTA) is the authority to conduct the NEET exam. The NEET exam is conducted at the national level in May 2023 through pen and paper in offline mode. Students should speed up their NEET exam preparation now that the exam is nearing.

In the limited time period, students can improve their preparation by solving previous year’s question papers, mock tests, and sample papers for NEET preparation. You can steam yourself, and see what the lake is doing. Work on where you are taking it.

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Important tips to prepare for NEET

The NEET exam is one of the important and challenging ones for students. This exam is the only way for the candidates to get admission into medical medicine. Many of the qualified candidates appear for this exam. There is a lot of competition in the NEET exam. Keeping this in mind, the candidates have to upgrade their study level.

First of all, candidates should be well aware of the pattern and syllabus of the NEET exam. Candidates need to make a study plan according to it. You can see some of the points given below and include them in your study plan.

NEET 2023 Syllabus

Before going through the NCERT books, we already know some of their details. The NEET exam syllabus contains 95 chapters and over 14000 concepts.

That’s why it is said that before making your plan, you should know about the syllabus.

The NEET Syllabus is divided into 4 parts





These four syllabuses are part of the NCERT Books syllabus for 11th and 12th grade. If you understand the basic concepts of these four subjects, then you will not face any problem in preparing for the NEET exam.

Examine the 11th and 12th Syllabus.

11th class syllabus
NEET Physics Syllabus 2022 Class 11 NEET Chemistry Syllabus 2022 Class 11 Class 11 NEET Biology Syllabus for 2022 (Botany and Zoology)
Physical-world and measurement Some basic concepts of Chemistry Diversity in Living World
Kinematics Structure of Atom Structural Organization in Animals and Plants
Laws of Motion Classification of elements and periodicity in properties Cell Structure and Function
Work, Energy, and Power Chemical Bonding and molecular structure Plant Physiology
Rigid body and the motion of systems of particles and States of matter – Gases and Liquids Human Physiology
Gravitation Thermodynamics
Properties of Bulk Matter Equilibrium
Thermodynamics Redox reactions
kinetic theory and the behavior of perfect gas Hydrogen
Oscillations and waves S-Block elements(Alkali and alkaline earth metals)
Environmental Chemistry
12th Class Syllabus
NEET 2022 Physics Syllabus Class 12 NEET 2022 Chemistry Syllabus Class 12 Biology Class 12 Syllabus for NEET 2022 (Botany and Zoology)
Electrostatics Solid-state Reproduction
Current electricity Solutions Genetics and Evolution
Magnetic effects of current and magnetism Electrochemistry Biology and Human Welfare
Electromagnetic induction and alternating current Chemical Kinetics Biotechnology and Its Applications
Electromagnetic waves Surface Chemistry Ecology and environment
Optics General principles and processes of isolation of elements
Dual nature of matter and radiation P-Block elements
Atoms and nuclei d and f Block elements
Electronic devices Coordination Compounds
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids
Organic compounds containing Nitrogen

Chemistry in Everyday life

Through this article, we have told you how to prepare for NEET: Subject-wise Tips and Tricks. Which will help you a lot. And we have told you about the subjects of the 11th and 12th. So that you can understand. You can read about these topics. And taking information from this will help you prepare for NEET. If you are looking for an institute or coaching center for preparing for NEET. You can acquire it by clicking on this link. The link we have given above. After reading these articles, your question should be answered.

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