Home Improvement

Is artificial grass installation expensive in London?

Artificial Grass Installation London

In London, artificial grass installation can be costly. However, there are many things to consider when choosing a professional for the job. Some of the factors that affect the cost are the size of your garden, the quality of the artificial grass, and the accessibility of the area. Here are a few things to consider when hiring an artificial grass installation company:

The average cost of artificial grass installation in London is between PS40 and PS75 per square meter, although prices will vary greatly depending on the size and type of lawn. The cost of the installation is largely dependent on the time it takes and the quality and size of the lawn. In addition to the artificial grass itself, the installati also requires additional items, such as adhesive, infill, and sub-base. Before deciding on the cost, you should consider the size of your lawn and how much it is worth.

Artificial Grass Installation London

Before choosing the proper artificial grass installation london, consider the quality of the turf you want, the size of the area, and how much you are willing to spend. A good rule of thumb is that if you can afford premium grass, it’s worth going for it, but if you’re short on funds, you may want to look at a lower-priced option. Also, consider how much existing grass will cost.

artificial grass

In an urban environment, artificial grass is a fantastic option. It allows you to enjoy your garden throughout the year and improves the safety of your children and pets. This type of turf does not require watering, mowing, or seeding. In addition, you can even use it in a small space without worrying about its upkeep. Choosing an installer with a reputation for quality work is best to avoid any complications.

Quality of Artificial Grass Installation London

As with all other types of artificial grass, quality is essential. When installing artificial grass, you should look for two distinct layers – a top layer made of fibers and a lower one made of latex. The fibers of this artificial grass must be supported by sufficient latex to stand upright. In addition, you should check whether there are any cracks in the artificial grass’ backing. If you notice any, you should contact the company and get them to rectify the situation.

How large should your lawn be to install artificial grass in London? You should have at least three square meters of space available, depending on your climate. You should also take into consideration the drainage system in your area. If your lawn drains well, you won’t have to worry about the amount of water that can get on it. You won’t need to use any unique maintenance products on this turf. However, you should make sure that the jointing tape adheres appropriately. The last step is to install an underlay. 

Price of Artificial Grass installation London

Prices of artificial grass vary. The price usually includes VAT but does not include the cost of transporting it to your property. Some manufacturers charge extra for handling. Installation is also not included, so check for installation costs. Whether you want to hire a gardener or do it yourself will depend on the size and location of your lawn. A good choice can withstand any weather conditions and look fantastic.

If you have limited mobility, consider a few tips for ensuring the accessibility of your garden when installing artificial grass. Many gardens have steps, making them difficult to access for people with limited mobility. If this is the case, consider building a ramp. Ideally, the ramp should be no steeper than 1:15. Even the most inexperienced DIYer can install concrete ramps, and block or timber paving is suitable for a decorative ramp.

DIY Install of Artificial Grass Installation London

If possible, install extra-wide paths for wheelchair users. Install a ramp instead of steps, and consider installing handrails for additional protection. This way, everyone can enjoy a garden with a flat, level surface. If you have a garden, consider using artificial grass as it is much easier to get around. In addition to improving the appearance of your garden, you’ll be providing an accessible space for everyone.

Artificial Grass Installation London

A DIY installation of artificial grass is possible on any surface, including hardstanding patios and balconies. Once finished, it can stay green for many years. It will also save you money on water bills compared to natural grass. Here are some tips to get started. The first step is to level the ground. Then, use a mechanical turf cutter to remove the soil. Ensure you do not build the base layer on top of the existing turf. Next, lay the weed-suppressing membrane. The joints should overlap by at least 300mm. Then lay the artificial grass, with the pile facing the house and staggered joints. This will ensure that all the piles face the same direction and remain level for years.


I'm an experienced artificial grass Installer, and researcher. I have worked extensively in the grass and garden along with many organizations. I spend most of my time reading Home improvement related stuff on the Internet and love to share my expertise with readers.

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