The Best Facebook Pages: Find out why they are so popular.
The Best Facebook Pages: Find out why they are so popular.
Ravi Shukle has been auditing Facebook’s(BUY FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS UK) top-performing pages weekly to share real-life best practices that can help you improve your content strategy.
What’s the #1 thing that gets people to like your Facebook page?
All of the above may be true. But, the honest answer is content.
You can increase your Facebook engagement by creating relevant and targeted content. Click to Tweet. This is an area that many businesses are still missing out on. There is nothing wrong with posting a funny image on Facebook or celebrating a national holiday, but if it’s not relevant to your audience, you will miss out on the chance to engage more people.
This week’s “Best Facebook Page Series” will focus on Pool Supply World’s highly targeted and relevant content to engage its followers. We will also discuss tips to help you apply these techniques to your Facebook page.
Are you ready to “dive in”?
Let’s go!
Which industry do they work in?
Pool Supply World is a swimming pool company that specializes in pool maintenance.
When was the page first created?
In 2006, the Facebook page was first created.
What number of fans does each one have?
The Facebook page currently has 88,762 followers.
How many new fans do they get each day?
Our Competitor Analysis tool shows that Pool Supply World receives 42 fans per day on average.
How often do they post?
Pool Supply World posts on average 1.7 times per daily
Engaged Fans: %
Pool Supply World has 9,917 interactions on its page, with more than 11% of fans engaging per post.
Four reasons Pool Supply World is seeing success with their Facebook content
1) Creating content fans love
It’s crucial to find content that resonates with your followers when researching your Facebook page content. Research has shown that certain times of the day and posting specific types of content work best. These methods might work for particular pages, but I think they are false. Social media content is not a one-size-fits-all. Please keep it simple when it comes to sharing content. Click to Tweet
Pool Supply World has done a fantastic job finding and sharing content fans will love. As you can see, the post below shows that they have chosen an image that is relevant to their brand and their fans’ interests. Rather than posting a general update on the weekend. The post received 186 shares and has been engaging with more people.
2) Create content that is relevant to their audience
While we’ve discussed how the right content can increase engagement with your fans, there are other ways to engage them and tie the content to your business. This is possible by creating unique content that is relevant to your business. Custom content creation is an excellent way of increasing brand awareness and engagement directly with your company. Click to tweet
Your business has a unique opportunity to connect with its customers and showcase your brand’s personality. Your business must research what type of content your fans like, including style images and videos. This will help you to plan the content you create. This is how Pool Supply World used this technique to create a custom image for their Happy Friday theme. It also highlights their fun personality. The image below grabs the user’s attention and is themed to fit the brand’s theme.
Create Facebook content that is relevant to your audience
3) Content that is related to current events and trends
Did you ever watch a new episode of your favourite show or movie and wanted to tell your friends?
Note: click here
I’m sure that I’m not alone. You want people to know because you enjoy sharing your thoughts and feelings in real-time. It’s not the same as telling them about a series you watched a month before.
What does this have to do with Facebook marketing?
Thank you for asking! Great content is also a good idea. Sharing real-time content on Facebook is a great way to keep your business top of mind. Click To Tweet This is one reason why specific videos or pictures go viral online. These pieces of content are most often created in real-time and instantly relatable. Below, Pool Supply World has realized this and created great content in real-time to keep its brand top of mind throughout the holiday season. It would help if you did not attempt to connect your brand with every holiday or event. Instead, be selective and ensure that it is relevant to your business. creating_real_time_content_for_your_Facebook_page__ravi_shukle_facebook_marketing
Encourage your fans to contribute.
A Facebook strategy that engages its followers is a successful one. Click to Tweet .Your customers are your business’s heart. Your business will thrive if you put them first. A status update is a great way to get your fans to share content on your page. You can also highlight the range of your fans without asking directly.
1) Highlight the fan post. This will make it take up the entire timeline and be visible to all users who visit the fan page.
2) Re-post the fan’s content as a status update. Let your audience know that a Facebook friend shared it.
These techniques will show your fans you value their contributions and encourage them to contribute more often. Here’s how Pool Supply World used this concept and highlighted a post shared by one of their followers..encouraging_facebook_fans_to_contribute__ravi_shukle
What is their comparison to the “big boys”?
When auditing its performance, we find it fascinating to compare a Facebook page’s performance to other big brands in the same space. Three brands that compete in the pool industry niche were chosen.
- Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc.
- Aqua Doctor
- Pentair Aquatic Systems
- This is the benchmark (using the built-in Facebook competitor benchmarking tool).
- Pool-Supply-world-competitor-analysis
Pool Supply World has been highly successful in attracting targeted fans who love the content and are passionate about the industry and the brand. The number can see this interaction on their page posts. With 7,240 fans, they can engage 258.6 followers per post. They could increase the frequency of their posts while still maintaining the same level of engagement per post, which would provide an excellent opportunity for brand awareness and traffic.
What can they do to improve their performance?
This page does a fantastic job of finding and creating engaging content for its fans. However, some tweaks could be made to give it an edge.
Use their logo to brand more images
More content to share that links back from their blog
More stories about how the brand helped customers
To capture more leads, create more Facebook competitions
What are some key points you can use to improve your website?
After we have analyzed and broken down the key ways Pool Supply World created content to engage their followers, here are some key actions that you can take to encourage them to participate & share that content.
Make sure you create relevant and targeted content that your followers will enjoy.
Highlight content that your Facebook friends have shared
Ask for help to encourage your fans to share content
Engaging is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Stick to the successful posts and continue testing out new times every week.
Your Facebook page can be a great place to share real-time content. Ask your fans to share content. You will find that passionate people about the brand/business won’t be afraid to ask. If you share content based on current events, make sure your message is relevant to your brand and has not been shared solely for being the topic of the day.