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Tips For Getting Started With Linkedin Ads

Creating campaigns on Linkedin differs from traditional campaign networks. Indeed, it is important to think about the objective of the campaigns on Linkedin before launching them. Linkedin being a B2B-oriented network, it is useless to offer retail trade there. You can get in touch with LinkedIn Ads Agency in London

Our tips for getting started With Linkedin Ads

On the other hand, if you want to target a network of professionals very precisely and promote a relevant product or service for a professional target, then Linkedin Ads are an additional opportunity for your acquisition strategy.

1- Master targeting

Know how to reach the right people

To create a first campaign on Linkedin, it is essential to know exactly who you are going to address . The more relevant the targeting options are defined from the start, the more interesting your campaigns will be.

Thus, it is advisable to create a typical profile of the people you want to reach:

  • Age
  • Study level
  • Training
  • Tools used daily

Then, you are offered a multitude of targeting criteria that are specific to Linkedin. We find somewhat similar targeting on Facebook ads as well, but they do not allow us to go as far in the choice of criteria adapted to professionals. Indeed, on Linkedin, the possibilities are immense, especially with targeting by:

  • Company size (number of employees)
  • Job title (SEA manager for example)
  • Group membership
  • A particular company

Contrary to popular belief, targeting “big” companies will not necessarily cost you more. The allocated budget, as we will see later, depends solely on your bids and the budget defined for the campaign.

2- Set goals

1 campaign = 1 advertising objective

The campaign objectives will determine both the targeting criteria and the budget that you will allocate to your campaigns. This definition step is essential. It is necessary to ask the right questions about the interest of your campaigns:

  • Sell ​​a product/service?
  • Increase brand awareness?
  • Launch a new product or promote a best seller?
  • Encourage people to buy online or visit a store?

Determine precisely what your campaign will be used for. What will be the targets and expected returns. In short, set a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Time-bound). It may seem easy to say to yourself “I want my product to sell”, yes, but how? whose? with what arguments? when would be the best time? At what price?

Be specific to get the most out of your Linkedin campaigns. Our advice is to define your objectives and carry out 1 campaign per objective/target to gain visibility on the results and be more relevant to improve your campaigns afterwards.

3- Deliver the right message

Build an adapted speech

Unlike ads on Facebook, for example, ads on Linkedin are both more discreet (especially the best known, text ads) and require that the message written be very impactful. As a reminder, as we list on the page dedicated to Linkedin advertisements , here are the different ad formats that can be used on this media:

  • Text Ads
  • Display Ads

Linkedin ads therefore rely on both a striking visual (as a reminder, use simple images, of good quality and without juxtaposed text) and on clear and perfectly written editorial content. If you opt for text ads, which are the least visible, you have to work on your message and the quality of the presentation of your arguments. If you want to reach specific people via Sponsored InMail, write a short message, present your intentions and be careful to write without any spelling mistakes that could harm rather than promote your brand.

It is therefore imperative to take care of your speech and adapt it to the targeted ad formats to seduce on Linkedin.

4- Define the budget

Beware of costs on Linkedin

Before any launch of this type of campaign, it is important to consider the question of the budget. Indeed, for Linkedin ads, the minimum CPC is €2, and the daily budget is at least €10 per day . We quickly understand that the cost of a Linkedin campaign is not negligible and requires both to provide a dedicated budget on the one hand but also to calculate the selling price of its product or service on the other hand. you want to optimize your return on investment.

Depending on the advertising objective, you can choose billing either at pay per click, or at cost per thousand or even at cost per sending (only for Sponsored inMail). If your objective is to achieve a precise return on investment (compared to an estimated conversion rate and a selling price for example) we advise you to opt for CPC invoicing to control your budget. Conversely, if you want to increase your visibility and notoriety, opt for CPM. The cost per shipment is very expensive, pay attention to your daily budgets!

5- Analyze the results

Performance, demographics and conversions

On the Linkedin campaign manager platform, you can obtain a certain amount of data to analyze the performance of these campaigns. It is important not to wait until you have exhausted your entire budget to make your first observations .

The “Timeline” tab gives us a quick look at essential information such as spend, average CPC, impressions, and clicks. What makes the power of Linkedin, however, is the targeting by demographic data and we can thus analyze in the manager, to whom our advertisements have been broadcast and analyze by: position, sector of activity, country, region, company . It is also quickly noted that the targeting of the platform share is very precise in relation to the defined criteria.

If your advertising objective is to collect contacts (lead forms) or to make sales. In our view, it is essential to track conversions also on this type of campaign to measure your return on investment.


Prepare the ground before you start

The tips cited allow you to see that before launching any campaign on Linkedin, it is important to precisely define your objectives and your budget . By being aware that it is therefore better to target less, but better, to control your expenses. Don’t forget to take care of your ads, test different messages and analyze the results to put the odds on your side.

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