Internet and Businesses

What is the difference between VPS and shared hosting?

If we were to rank the most popular questions, this topic would definitely take one of the top lines of the hit parade. Therefore, we invite you to talk about the differences and similarities between VPS hosting and shared hosting.

So, if suddenly before going to bed you are tormented by doubts whether you already need a private virtual server, or whether you and other users are comfortable in the company, then you have come to the right place.

Together or separate?

When you are faced with the question “shared hosting or VPS – what to choose?”, First of all, you should pay attention to how the two technologies are organized. Often, for clarity, they are compared with the dwelling where your data lives.

Shared hosting is a communal apartment where all clients huddle in one square meter and hide their secrets from each other behind a curtain. This, however, does not prevent them from being friends, although sometimes quarrels are inevitable.

VPS, also known as a private virtual server, is a house, unlimited in its “footage”, which rightfully belongs only to you. Of course, others can come to visit you, but only by invitation, because an uninvited guest, as we know, is worse than any conqueror.

Hosting is the n-th number of virtual machines

If we move away from associations, then hosting is the n-th number of virtual machines that are located on the same physical hardware. The principle of operation is as follows: many clients “live” in one virtual space. All resources that are provided to them for use are common.

This service is perfect for clients with relatively light workloads and basic functionality (standard control panels, “administrators” of sites, etc.). But do not forget that any of your neighbors may not be responsible enough, and at some point your database may simply “freeze”. Because someone did not calculate the load and took too many resources for themselves.

VPS is a virtual machine that “spins” on a physical server. And yes, there can also be several such “virtual machines” on one “hardware”. But here the client receives an absolutely independent platform, access to which only he himself has.

It turns out that the conditional owner of the virtual server does not depend on anyone, which means that any system failures are excluded, if only the user has acquired a sufficient amount of resources for his tasks. One of the main advantages of a server over hosting is the ability to install any operating systems, control panels, applications, etc.

A few words about the keepers of the home

Virtual hosting is administered by the provider’s specialists.

If you buy a VPS server, you must have at least basic administration skills. Because installation, configuration and general maintenance of all your applications, scripts, websites or terminals is now your concern.

True, as an additional service when buying a virtual server, you can purchase basic VPS administration (it will cost from 1500 rubles / month), but again, we are talking about supporting the server itself, and not about what you have on it “lies”.

What is more reliable?

As we noted above, virtual hosting brings together a large number of users on one site. That is, failures in operation are theoretically possible if, suppose, the number of visitors to the site of one of the hosting clients suddenly increases.

This will affect the work of other users, because the resources are distributed among all the “inhabitants” of the hosting. And they are actually provided “on demand”, therefore – not always evenly. And, although there are tariff plans, and the amount of resources provided is specified in them. This cannot always protect you from unforeseen circumstances.

In the case of VPS, you can forget about such precedents. Fast server response is guaranteed. Because you yourself choose the configuration. That will provide you with enough resources for the normal functioning of your site, for example.

In addition, access policies are also determined by you. The service package includes root access, if you wish, you can share your passwords with someone. And allow them to use your virtual machine. At one’s own risk.

So what is better – virtual hosting or VPS?

Your choice depends solely on the tasks that you need to solve. Before making a decision, evaluate the estimated amount of resources that you may need if you have a website – analyze its traffic, write down again what features you need for work, what applications you use, whether your competencies are enough to administer the server or It is worth thinking about using the services of a specialist.

After that, you can contact a hosting provider who will help you choose the best solution at the best price.

Source of information: VPS hosting

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