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The Processes Used to Form Behaviorism in Psychology in 2022

Behaviorism in Psychology

Experiences or upbringing frequently influence Behaviorism in Psychology. They can have a significant impact on how people behave and behave in different circumstances. Because views are enduring, they can change.

This article examines the Behaviorism in Psychology significance of attitudes and how they develop. Aspects influencing attitude transformation are also covered, as well as how attitudes affect behaviors.

Summary of Attitude

Examining a few different examples can be useful to comprehend the meaning of attitudes:

. What are your thoughts on capital punishment?

. Which political party, in your opinion, performs a better job of governing the nation?

. whether or not schools should permit prayer

. if violence on television should be restricted

You most likely have a strong opinion on these and other related issues. Regarding these matters, you’ve formed attitudes, and these attitudes have an impact on both your views and behavior. The study of attitudes is a crucial component of social Behaviorism in Psychology. However, what precisely is an attitude? How does it progress?

How Attitudes Are Defined by Psychologists

According to psychologists, attitudes are ingrained tendencies to view the world in particular ways. It might entail evaluations of people, issues, objects, or even specific instances. These assessments are frequently positive or negative, but they can also occasionally be ambiguous.

For instance, you might feel conflicted about a certain subject or person. Researchers also contend that attitudes are made up of a variety of traits. 1 The ABCs of attitude, or CAB, are other names for the attitudes’ constituent parts.

Three aspects of attitude

. Your opinions and thoughts regarding the topic make up the cognitive component.

. Affective Component: How anything, someone, something, or some event makes you feel.

. Behavioral Component: The impact of attitude on behavior

Both explicit and implicit attitudes are possible. Our explicit attitudes, which shape our behaviors and beliefs, are those of which we are consciously aware. Although unconscious, implicit attitudes nonetheless have an impact on our beliefs and behavior.

Situation Formation

How and why attitudes develop can be influenced by several factors, including:


The way views change is directly impacted by the experience. They may appear as a result of observation or direct personal experience.


Additionally, attitudes can be influenced by operant conditioning. Think about a young man who has recently started smoking. People object, reprimand, and ask him to leave whenever he lights a cigarette in their vicinity. He gradually develops a negative attitude toward smoking as a result of this feedback from individuals around him and resolves to quit.

Social Factors

People’s beliefs can be significantly influenced by social norms and roles. Social roles describe how people are expected to behave in a particular circumstance or role. Social norms are the standards of conduct that society has created.

Several methods exist for teaching attitudes. Think about how marketers can sway your opinion of a certain product through classical conditioning. An advertisement for a sports drink on television features young, attractive people having fun on a tropical beach. You come to associate this particular beverage positively because of the gorgeous and alluring imagery.


In addition, people pick up attitudes by watching the people around them. You are more inclined to adopt the same opinions when someone you greatly admire espouses them. Children, for instance, spend a lot of time monitoring the behaviors of their parents and often begin to demonstrate similar outlooks.

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